Our Thanksgiving was a great success! Even though it was just the four of us, the kids had a blast and we finally found an excuse to use our Fine China (we've used it a total of two times! lol). My husband did an amazing job with the turkey and after watching him cook, I think I am ready to try roasting a small chicken in the next few weeks. 😬 Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!
But for today, since we have leftovers for the next few days, and I'm sure most of you do too, I wanted to share a breakfast recipe instead. Usually weekday mornings are super hectic with getting the kids ready for school so I end up either scarfing down a bowl of cereal or eating whatever scraps are left on the kid's plates!
We didn't have any plans this morning so I was going to try and make a quiche but I found a recipe for mini quiches that looked just as good and they are perfect to have for the rest of the week! You can reheat them or even freeze them to enjoy later on! Plus, you can add any vegetables or cheese you want!
They are bite size so you will definitely eat a few (I ate 5!) but they are great to make in advance and reheat for busy mornings. I fully plan on making them again on a Sunday so I have breakfast for the week!
Here is the recipe and a few of the changes I made:
- I didn't use a crust so ended up cooking it for slightly less time (Approx. 20 minutes)
- I halved the recipe and only made 24 mini quiches but they are very tiny so if you want to have leftovers for the week, I recommend making the full recipe.
- I did a mix of Spinach, onion, grape tomatoes (cut in quarters) and feta cheese
-I mixed the cheese with the egg mixture BEFORE putting it in the muffin cups so all the cheese didn't just sit on the bottom.

Don't mind the baking stains on the tray, I need a new one! This is just to show you how much of each ingredient I used per muffin cup. They are super tiny so don't go overboard! I also didn't have enough spinach so I just used them in half of the muffins.

I mixed the cheese with the egg mixture instead of placing the cheese in in the muffin cups first.

Final product! I ate all 5!